Advanced Master Gardener Training Series

Handouts and Resources for Daria Gosztyla’s Seminar

Links shared by Daria

Presentation PDFs (large file—separated)

Handout Part 1

Handout Part 2

Handout Part 3

Handout Part 4

Presentation Video

WSU plant problem diagnosis form—great questions to guide your information-gathering for tree and ornamental problems

Additional info-60 min. webinar: Jay W. Pscheidt, OSU

Handouts & Resources for Linda Chalker-Scott’s seminar:

Handout-Evaluating Information

Presentation Video

Order Linda’s books and video series

Links to items mentioned in Seminar

Glyphosate study bias:

Linda sent this to me concerning the glyphosate article one of the attendees referred to.  The article Linda shared discusses how studies designed to support personal ideological beliefs lead to completely unreliable results, known as outcome bias. In other words, you either construct the study to encourage the results you want, or cherry pick the results to support your hypothesis. Either way, it results in misleading conclusions.

Handouts and Resources for Jenny Glass’s seminar:

Slide handouts Take notes!

Plant Problem Diagnosis

PDF of the Powerpoint presentation

Plant Diagnostics Bingo

Links to OSU lawn-related presentations and other information

Irrigation Rates and Frequencies for Western and Eastern Oregon Turfgrass (Jenny referred to this study)

Video link to Jenny Glass’s seminar

Advanced MG Training poster.png

February 12, 2021    (Friday)     9:00 –11:30 am Jenny Glass: Diagnosing Plant Problems

Jenny is WSU's Diagnostic Plant Pathologist at the Puyallup Plant & Insect Diagnostic Laboratory. Jenny will share her practical and often humorous approach to diagnosing plant problems. There will be something there for new and experienced MGs alike!

February 19, 2021    (Friday)     9:00 –11:30 am Linda Chalker-Scott: Horticultural Myths

Linda is an Associate Professor and Extension Urban Horticulturist at WSU PREC. She is also WSU's Garden Professor, whose blog's stated purpose is "Advancing the science of gardening and other stuff since 2009." Are Epsom salts a horticultural cure-all?  Does water on leaves act like a magnifying glass to burn leaves in sunlight?  Join us as Linda challenges long-held gardening beliefs with science- based facts, and helps us evaluate reliable information sources.

February 26, 2021    (Friday)     9:00 –11:30 am Daria Gosztyla: Urban Forestry

Daria is Projects & Outreach Specialist at Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources. She will be talking about tree planting, tree and site selection, urban invasive species, and diagnosing tree problems.  Even experienced Master Gardeners need more information on this topic as we are seeing more tree problems associated with heat and drought as our climate changes.

Hosted by

  Master Gardener Foundation of Cowlitz County