Drought Tolerant Landscaping for a Summer-Dry Climate

No-Dig Lawn-to-Garden-Bed Transformation

How Much Water for My Summer Garden?

Selecting Plants for Your Home Landscape

The Joy of Succulents

Roses-Spring Care

Managing Deer and Elk in the Home Landscape

Landscaping with Native Plants

Vertebrate Pest Management: Critters in the Home and Landscape

How to plant a tree

Presentation slides

Great Videos—watch and learn

Additional Resources

New Tree Planting (great summary)

Tree Owners Guide (Excellent step-by-step guide, and how to care for your tree in the early years)

Steps to planting a tree (Click to enlarge, ESC to return)

Planting Bulbs in Fall

Click to enlarge, Escape to return

Growing Spring Bulbs

Presentation Video

Presentation Slides



Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus) should be planted in spring. It blooms for 14-15 days in late August-September. https://www.bbg.org/gardening/article/saffron_crocus

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Get a Soil Test

Soil Test submission form

Very reasonable price for a full professional soil test with easily understandable results. This test tells you exactly what to do to optimize your soil. Why waste money on unnecessary or harmful fertilizers and amendment products when you can find out exactly what your garden needs.

Why Isn’t My Tree/Shrub Blooming?

Year round shrub/tree care

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Click to Enlarge, Escape to return

Landscaping with Native Plants

Firewise Landscaping

Preparing Tools for Winter Storage

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Growing Herbs