Growing Grapes

Short and sweet—enough to get you started: Pruning Grapes in Home Gardens: Some Basic Guidelines

Grape Care and Pruning

Grape management calendar for Western Washington

Growing Table Grapes [EC1639]

Grape Pruning Basics [OSU] 

Growing Winegrapes in Maritime Western Washington WSU [EM 068E]


The Home Vineyard [UC]

Grape Pruning [Chuck Ingles, UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor]

Spur pruning [Chuck Ingles, UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor]

Cane Pruning [Chuck Ingles, UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor]

Arbor Pruning [Chuck Ingles, UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor]

2021 Organic Production and IPM Guide for Grapes  (some of the products mentioned in this publication may not be approved for use in Washington)

Recognize the Symptoms and Causes of Stunted Growth in Vineyards OSU [EM 8975]